Tips to increase the chance of pregnancy

It is not always easy to get pregnant. Do you have a desire to become pregnant? Then it can be very frustrating if every test comes back negative. Did you know that you can increase your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby? Here are a few tips to help you.

1. Eat a healthy and varied diet

A healthy and balanced diet can increase your chances of pregnancy. It is even of immediate benefit to the baby, should you suddenly become pregnant. Because your baby will then immediately receive the right nutrients. We recommend that you avoid drugs, alcohol and smoking. Think of your health and that of the baby that will soon be in your belly. Also be careful with medicines.

2. Normal weight

Your weight is also important if you wish to become pregnant. Keep your BMI between 20 and 25. If you are overweight, your chances of a healthy pregnancy are only reduced. So try to get to a good weight before you get pregnant.

3. Take folic acid during pregnancy

Folic acid will not help you to become pregnant in the first place, but it is essential for the early development of the unborn child. If you are pregnant, it is best to start taking folic acid immediately to ensure that the embryo in your womb receives the extra substances it needs.

4. Sport, but don’t overdo it

Sport is healthy and will increase your chances of pregnancy. But be careful not to overdo it as it can reduce fertility.

5. Fertile days

Be one with yourself and make sure you know your fertile days. Every cycle you have a number of fertile days. The fertile days are just before and during the day of your ovulation. You can find out when this happens by taking an ovulation test. Do you have a regular cycle? Then you can use this information to have sex from three days before your ovulation.

6. Do not give up easily

Some people give up after only six months of trying. Believe us, most couples do not succeed in getting pregnant within three months. Even 1 out of 10 still do not get pregnant after a year. Keep trying and do not give up too soon!

7. Increase the chance of a successful ovulation

Everyone knows that ovulation is essential for fertilisation and therefore for a pregnancy. Therefore, a woman must take very good care of her body. Avoid rapid weight loss, stress, heavy physical work and low body weight. All these things can reduce the chances of ovulation.

8. Contact your doctor

Still not working out after years of trying? Then you may need to take further steps. It may be that you or your partner is infertile. This does not have to mean the end of the world. Nowadays, there are numerous possibilities such as IVF to increase the chances of pregnancy. 

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